Christmas Countdown Book Day 1: Jesus Christ

In our Christmas Countdown Book, Day 1 focuses on Jesus Christ. See what art, scripture, song, video, and ornament we used to help us remember Christ.

Check out the best Christmas Countdown book with Christ-centered art, scripture, song, video, and an ornament for each day of December.

Start using your Christmas Countdown Book on December 1st. Each day focuses on a different part of the Savior’s life all the way through to Christmas Day. The purpose of this Christmas Countdown Book is to help you remember and focus on Jesus Christ during the Christmas season!

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Start using your Christmas Countdown Book on December 1st. Today would be presented on December 1st. Each day focuses on a different part of the Savior’s life all the way through to Christmas Day. The purpose of this Christmas Countdown Book is to help you remember and focus on Jesus Christ during the Christmas season!

I have linked to all the resources to help you design your own Christmas Countdown book. You can follow all the links each day, or simply print the pages for free from these websites, for your own personal use.

Christmas Countdown Book Day 1: Jesus Christ


In our Christmas Countdown Book, Day 1 focuses on Jesus Christ. See what art, scripture, song, video, and ornament we used to help us remember Christ.

The Savior by Jon McNaughton


The first and last paragraphs of The Living Christ: The Testimony of the Apostles.

“As we commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ two millennia ago, we offer our testimony of the reality of His matchless life and the infinite virtue of His great atoning sacrifice. None other has had so profound an influence upon all who have lived and will yet live upon the earth.

We bear testimony, as His duly ordained Apostles—that Jesus is the Living Christ, the immortal Son of God. He is the great King Immanuel, who stands today on the right hand of His Father. He is the light, the life, and the hope of the world. His way is the path that leads to happiness in this life and eternal life in the world to come. God be thanked for the matchless gift of His divine Son.”

In our Christmas Countdown Book, Day 1 focuses on Jesus Christ. See what art, scripture, song, video, and ornament we used to help us remember Christ.


I Believe in Christ–Hymn 134

1. I believe in Christ; he is my King!
With all my heart to him I’ll sing;
I’ll raise my voice in praise and joy,
In grand amens my tongue employ.
I believe in Christ; he is God’s Son.
On earth to dwell his soul did come.
He healed the sick; the dead he raised.
Good works were his; his name be praised.
2. I believe in Christ; oh blessed name!
As Mary’s Son he came to reign
‘Mid mortal men, his earthly kin,
To save them from the woes of sin.
I believe in Christ, who marked the path,
Who did gain all his Father hath,
Who said to men: “Come, follow me,
That ye, my friends, with God may be.
3. I believe in Christ–my Lord, my God!
My feet he plants on gospel sod.
I’ll worship him with all my might;
He is the source of truth and light.
I believe in Christ; he ransoms me.
From Satan’s grasp he sets me free,
And I shall live with joy and love
In his eternal courts above.
4. I believe in Christ; he stands supreme!
From him I’ll gain my fondest dream;
And while I strive through grief and pain,
His voice is heard: “Ye shall obtain.”
I believe in Christ; so come what may,
With him I’ll stand in that great day
When on this earth he comes again
To rule among the sons of men.


Special Witnesses of Christ – President Nelson

(To easily find all the videos for the Christmas Countdown Book, follow my Playlist on Youtube!)


In our Christmas Countdown Book, Day 1 focuses on Jesus Christ. See what art, scripture, song, video, and ornament we used to help us remember Christ.

I filled clear plastic ornaments with tinsel and printed this picture in a small size to fit inside.

In our Christmas Countdown Book, Day 1 focuses on Jesus Christ. See what art, scripture, song, video, and ornament we used to help us remember Christ.

Check out my Christmas Ornaments Pinterest Board for even more ideas!

Christmas Countdown Book:

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10 Day 11 Day 12 Day 13 Day 14 Day 15 Day 16 Day 17 Day 18 Day 19 Day 20 Day 21 Day 22 Day 23 Day 24 Day 25

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