Are you looking for a way to help your kids eat more fruits and veggies? Healthy Kiddos Plates are a simple way to help you teach your kids WHY they should eat healthy!
Have you made New Year’s Resolutions to eat healthier? My cute friend has started a company called Healthy Kiddos and designed some plates. These plates are created to help encourage healthy eating by teaching why we need to eat healthy foods. She gave me a few of her plates to try out and then tell all of you about them!
(I was given this product for free to sample and try. This is my honest opinion of this product. This post contains affiliate links.)
My Healthy Eating Journey
Before I had kids, I didn’t think much about what I ate. As long as I wasn’t starving, that was good enough for me. Once I had kids, I started on a journey to find out what foods were the best to be feeding my family. During that journey, Ann, the founder of Healthy Kiddos is one of the people that I went to for advice. She is well versed in nutrition and healthy eating and was key in helping me determine the best foods to eat.
Along the way, I realized each of us come from a different food culture. For the most part, kids eat what they are given and don’t question the nutritional value of that food. I have tried to teach the value of eating healthy foods and getting enough sleep and exercise to maintain a healthy body to my kids. Beyond those basics though, I couldn’t remember specific vitamins and other facts to teach my kids about what actually makes these foods good for our bodies. That’s where Healthy Kiddos comes in.
Healthy Kiddos

The mission of Healthy Kiddos is to give kids a reason WHY they should eat healthy. Providing kids with information about fruits and vegetables in a way they can understand helps them know WHY choosing to eat fruits and vegetables is a good idea!
The Product
Heathy Kiddos has launched a Kickstarter Campaign to introduce their products. There are 3 different plate packs.

We have Set 3 of the Plate packs.

Each plate is colorful and loaded with fun facts to teach your kids about the nutritional value of that food.

My Honest Review
The bottom of the plates have a non-slip ring which is VERY helpful with so many little kids. I was impressed with how vibrant the colors still are (like new) after many uses and runs through the dishwasher. We have many cups from various places with writing on the sides that have faded after just a few washes. The Healthy Kiddos plates are definitely in the quality category.
My kids are all great readers so they have been reading the food facts each time they use the plates. My kids said they like to eat all their food in order to see the facts, and that they do usually read the facts as they are eating. This may be why there has been less food wasted lately! Even if your kids aren’t independent readers, having the information handy gives you an easy opportunity to talk with your kids about the benefits of healthy eating.
Another benefit I have noticed is that I am more proactive about making sure they are given a fully balanced meal on these plates. It’s a little harder to justify giving them just pizza for dinner on a plate full of nutritional facts!
Update: These cute plates are now available on Amazon!
Healthy Kiddos has these plates available through their Kickstarter Campaign. The price for these nutritional plates can’t be beat. I love that the plates have facts on them rather than just the food groups to add more bang to my buck. Check out the Healthy Kiddos Kickstarter campaign and get your own super quality Healthy Kiddos Plates today!