How to Gain Confidence as a Mother

Do you ever feel like you are JUST a mom? There are so many days where being a mom is by far the most thankless job in the world! Here are 3 tips to help you stand confident in being a Mother!

Do you ever feel like you are JUST a mom? There are so many days where being a mom is by far the most thankless job in the world! Here are 3 tips to help you stand confident in being a Mother!

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Just a Mom

As a stay at home mom, there are no raises, no recognitions like “Employee of the Month”. Between laundry, diaper changes, cleaning, potty training, and cooking meals that nobody likes, the days are LONG!

I hear from so many people that time is short, and to enjoy kids while they are young. At times, being in the trenches of motherhood is so overwhelming you wonder when it will end though!

I watched this video and it was just what I needed for the little “mom funk” that I’ve been in.

I Am A Mother

When I had my first child, I remember reading a book called I Am a Mother by Jane Clayson Johnson. She talks how she came to accept her role as a mother after leaving her career. At the time I didn’t see what a big deal it was to leave a career. I mean, who wouldn’t love to snuggle a baby all day?

As time has gone on, and I now have 6 kids, the struggle is real. I think of all the careers or jobs that I could have where I could be appreciated and recognized for my achievements. I put off finishing my college degree to raise a family and at times feel like less of a person because I lack that expensive piece of paper.

What can we as mothers do? How can we shift from being “just a mom” to being proud to be a Mother?


Do you ever feel like you are JUST a mom? There are so many days where being a mom is by far the most thankless job in the world! Here are 3 tips to help you stand confident in being a Mother!

How to Change Your Thinking

As a disclaimer, this is something I still am constantly working on. I have by no means perfected this, but these are the tools that I try to implement to confidently hold my head high and say “I am a Mom!”

Treat Motherhood Like a Career

Motherhood really is a career CHOICE. There are so many responsibilities that we take on as mothers that are far more rewarding than any other career when you really look at it. Also, the on the job training is unlike any other career that you could choose!

Further Your Education

For me, going back to school to get a formal college education just isn’t a real option at this point. Instead, I have become intensely educated in many areas of my mom life. Gardening, cooking, cloth diapering, organization, time management. By checking out numerous books from the library, and watching endless hours of YouTube, I am constantly learning!

Practice Good Self Care

Mom burn out is a real thing! Doing the same tasks day in and day out is exhausting. Especially when you add on sleep deprivation, sometimes for years on end! Self Care for Moms is essential to providing a healthy daily outlook on life. One of the best parts about this self care is realizing that you are a human beyond just your mothering title. By keeping your own interests and friendships alive, you allow yourself to not get too overburdened with mom life.

Do you ever feel like you are JUST a mom? There are so many days where being a mom is by far the most thankless job in the world! Here are 3 tips to help you stand confident in being a Mother!

Mothers Unite!

Whether you are a mother, or waiting to be one. If you have lost a child, fostered a child, adopted a child. Have you befriended, taught, loved, or helped a child? These are all characteristics of mothers and we need each other. We can lift each other by offering help, words of encouragement, and plain old support knowing that this thing called motherhood is perhaps the hardest thing we will ever do.

How do you find confidence as a mother?

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