Memorizing The Living Christ

Have you tried memorizing The Living Christ with no success? Find great tips for memorization and a free church quiet book printable!

Have you tried memorizing The Living Christ with no success? Find great tips for memorization and a free church quiet book printable!

To Memorize The Living Christ has been a goal and a dream of mine for years. When the kids were younger we were constantly memorizing scripture verses and reciting them around the table. Now that they are older, I think we are up for more of a challenge! Come see how we set about memorizing The Living Christ!

Have you tried memorizing The Living Christ with no success? Find great tips for memorization and a free church quiet book printable!

As a family we decided we wanted to do something special to prepare for the upcoming General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. We have been encouraged by our prophet to prepare for the celebration of 200 years since the heavens were opened and the gospel of Jesus Christ began to be restored again to the earth.

General conference next April will be different from any previous conference. In the next six months, I hope that every member and every family will prepare for a unique conference that will commemorate the very foundations of the restored gospel.

You may wish to begin your preparation by reading afresh Joseph Smith’s account of the First Vision as recorded in the Pearl of Great Price. Our course of study for next year in Come, Follow Me is the Book of Mormon. You may wish to ponder important questions such as, “How would my life be different if my knowledge gained from the Book of Mormon were suddenly taken away?” or “How have the events that followed the First Vision made a difference for me and my loved ones?” Also, with the Book of Mormon videos now becoming available, you may wish to incorporate them in your individual and family study.

Select your own questions. Design your own plan. Immerse yourself in the glorious light of the Restoration. As you do, general conference next April will be not only memorable; it will be unforgettable. (see full talk here)

The special project we decided to take on was to memorize The Living Christ: The Testimony of the Apostles.

Do you see how LONG that is? How in the world can we get our family with kids as young as two to memorize this? We felt inspired to do it, so I began my hunt for valuable resources.


There are only a few songs available online with the words from The Living Christ. We found one that was catchy, broken up into a few different verses, and wasn’t too cheesy. There are some verses with women singing, and some verses with men singing. We absolutely love these songs to help us memorize The Living Christ!

Have you tried memorizing The Living Christ with no success? Find great tips for memorization and a free church quiet book printable!

The music we use was created by Shawna Edwards and is separated into eight different songs to help make memorization easier. Lizzy Jensen put together The Living Christ Project to help bring together a fabulous group of artists to help people memorize The Living Christ through music and art. The Living Christ Project has coloring pages, flip books, phone backgrounds, fill-in-the-blank worksheets, and videos set to art and video to help you memorize!

Visual Aids

When I started the search for a visual reminder for my family, I knew exactly what I wanted. I was looking for something that was vibrant and beautiful that I could hang on the wall, but didn’t include so many tiny little pictures that we might as well wallpaper an entire room.

Have you tried memorizing The Living Christ with no success? Find great tips for memorization and a free church quiet book printable!

After months of searching, I finally found the perfect set! We printed them all up and put them on our wall as a visual reminder, and for the kids to actually see the words in print. (The photo above is from the blog . We ended up setting our pictures up the same way!)

Quiet Book

I had the idea years ago to make a quiet book of The Living Christ. This was just the motivation that I needed to actually print it out. You can download all of the pictures here for free. Most of these pictures come from the Gospel Library Inspiring Media by The Church of Jesus Christ.

Have you tried memorizing The Living Christ with no success? Find great tips for memorization and a free church quiet book printable!

These can be printed as 4×6 photos and put in a small photo album. My kids love looking at this during church on Sundays which also helps solidify the memorization process. Here’s the link to get The Living Christ Quiet Book.

I hope this helps The Living Christ become more available to you and your family. I have had the dream to put together this book for so long and to see it actually printed out is a dream come true. My toddler will look through this book during church and throughout the week and excitedly exclaim “Jesus”! as he points to each page. My kids love it as much as I hoped they would!

How have you used The Living Christ in your home?

11 thoughts on “Memorizing The Living Christ”

  1. Thank you so much for the pictures of The Living Christ. I am going to memorize this inspired document and I love the pictures you have chosen to go with each part of The Living Christ Thank you for all your time and effort to compile these beautiful pictures.

    1. maintainingmotherhood

      You’re welcome! I hope this helps you! I have loved having these pictures put together in a little quiet book for my kids to look at during church!

  2. I love your Quiet Book you made! I feel like I will benefit from looking at it as much as my kids will! Unfortunately the link didn’t work. Could you possibly email it to me?

      1. Thank you for your work! I felt to help my children learn this document too- but about a year earlier. Another woman had been prompted to do much the same things, but back in the days of President Monson and I printed her flipbook. We read it aloud to the children every night before bed (it took about 5 minutes), guessing the next line before we turned the page. It only took a month and the children memorized it faster than we parents! I put the sacrament prayers and President Nelson’s testimony and the 10 commandments in the booklet too. I created my own personalized flipbook version of the Family Proclamation (using our family pictures) that we’ve been slowly memorizing. For some reason, this one is harder.

  3. Thank you so much for the books! I am going to make them for our primary children for Christmas. Thanks for doing most of the work!!

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