Kid’s Summer Responsibility Chart

Are you looking for a simple solution to keep your kids on task without constant nagging this summer? Try this simple Summer Responsibility Chart and enjoy a more productive summer!

Are you looking for a simple solution to keep your kids on task without constant nagging this summer? Try this simple Summer Responsibility Chart and enjoy a more productive summer!

I love summer time and having my kids home from school. But with six kids, things can get REALLY crazy REALLY fast. Even though it’s summer break, the kids are still required to keep their rooms clean, do chores, and yes, even learn a little! In order to limit the chaos and nagging, we whip out our summer charts to keep the kids productive and on task each day.

Summer Responsibility Chart

Summer Chart for Kids | Summer Responsibility Chart | Summer Chart Free Printable

The main purpose of having a Summer Responsibility Chart is to make sure that we have a productive summer. I don’t want the entire summer to slip by and have us wonder where the time went. I also don’t want us to just let the house go so that we are spending an entire day cleaning because we can’t stand the mess anymore. By sticking to a routine even when it is summer, I have found that everyone does better. We know more of what to expect each day and the “I’m bored” whining is kept to a minimum.

The charts are broken up into different sections as follows:

Everyday I Will

Some of the things we include in the “Everyday I will” section are:

– Complete morning time chart

– Do a chore

– 2 pages in a workbook

– Read for 20 minutes

– Practice Piano

Some other ideas that could be included are: serve someone, work in the garden/yard, work on a talent, exercise, etc.

My Summer Goals

On the first Monday night of the summer we sit down with each kid individually and help them set their summer goals. The kids come up with goals ranging from learning to tie shoes to learning to swim. We have had goals to go to a fun place or work on including a sibling. In the process, we not only talk about the big goals, but break the goal up into small pieces so they can achieve that goal.

Summer Chart for Kids | Summer Responsibility Chart | Summer Chart Free Printable

How the Charts Work

Each child that will be in school the upcoming school year has a Responsibility Chart to complete each day. Each kid has their chart in a sheet protector hanging up in a central location. For us, that means the kitchen. As the kids complete their tasks throughout the day, they can easily check them off with a dry erase marker. Every evening I just wipe them clean so the kids can start fresh the next day.

Summer Chart for Kids | Summer Responsibility Chart | Summer Chart Free Printable

The Benefit of Summer Charts

Summer Responsibility Charts keep the kids learning and contributing to the home and family environment all summer long. I rarely nag the kids at to complete their summer charts. The key to that lies in attaching a reward to the completion of their charts. In order to play with friends or have screen time, the everyday portion of their chart must be completed.

When they do want to play with friends or have screen time, all I have to say is “have you finished your chart?” I’m not the bad guy saying ‘no’ to my kids. Instead, they are learning to be accountable and finish first things first. Each of the kids knows exactly what needs to be done in order to play.

Get your own Free Printable Summer Responsibility Chart to personalize for your own household!

Summer Chart for Kids | Summer Responsibility Chart | Summer Chart Free Printable

Do you have summer responsibility charts?

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