Do you have all your important documents in one place in case of an emergency? Use this simple checklist to create your own Grab and Go Emergency Binder.
To stay on top of all the home maintenance responsibilities I have a 6 month rotating deep cleaning schedule. During April and October I focus on updating our Emergency Preparedness supplies. In our Adult 72 Hour Kits and Kid 72 Hour kits, we have included some of our important Family Documents. But where do you keep the rest of your most important papers? A Grab and Go Emergency Binder is the perfect place to store all your most important papers, documents, and checklists in case of an emergency!
A Grab and Go Emergency Binder is convenient so you have all the necessary information if you have to quickly evacuate. Here is a free printable checklist and all the information you need to easily compile your own binder!

After reading through loads of information, I came up with different categories for our Grab and Go Binder. Grouping the different bits of information into various categories was easier to follow than a huge list. Here are all the documents I felt necessary to have in case of an emergency. Get the free printable here:
Grab and Go Emergency Binder
Family Emergency Plan
Talk about different scenarios with your family. Where will you go if you are home and there is an earthquake, fire, etc. What if the kids are at school? Where will your family meet up if Dad is at work? What is our evacuation plan if we have to leave our home/town/city? Write up your most basic meeting place in case everyone is scattered.
Map of City/Evacuation Route
Know back ways to where your family will meet if you have to evacuate. A map would be handy to have if major roads are blocked or impassable.
Phone Numbers of Relatives
Have an out of state person that you will check in with via call or text. Their phone system is not likely to be affected if they are not in your immediate area. They can then call an update everyone else.
Marriage License, Death Certificates, Adoption Certificates, anything that verifies your family unit.
Recent Family Photo: Help others to identify your family in case you get split up.
Birth Certificate, Driver’s License, Medical Insurance Card, Social Security Card, Passport, any other forms of ID that you would need to identify who you are and what your qualifications or needs are.
Doctor Phone Numbers, Immunization Records, Prescription Lists and dosages for any medications, etc.
Special Medical Info: If your family is separated at all, especially if you have young children, you will want to ensure they are able to get the proper care and attention they need.
Irreplaceable Documents
Back Up of Computer Files
Make a regular appointment with your computer to put the most current files on. Whether that is daily, weekly, or monthly decide what suits the needs of your family the best.
Family Photos
Have these backed up either online or on a drive that you can take with you. Personal family photos cannot be replaced!
Bank Statements, Credit Cards, Retirement Statement, Utility Statement, Work/Tax Documents
You will want to make sure that you have all the information to stay on top of the places that your money is going out to on a regular basis. Having copies of all this information on hand is the best way to do this.
Auto, Health, Dental, Home, Life, etc
Any insurance you have. You want to have a current copy of the policy as well as the correct contact info for the agencies.
Property Info
Auto, Home, Living Will, any Deeds and Titles
Obtain the documents that you have to any property. These things help you prove what was yours, and what may have been lost or damaged in the emergency.
In each 72 Hour kit we have an updated family photo as well as a filled out Emergency Info Card. All of this is grouped together in a ziplock bag in the kits so it can be accessed quickly if we get separated from each other. Get your Emergency Info Card printable here:
Just a reminder that since you have just compiled all your most sensitive information, you will want to keep it in a safe place. Keep it somewhere that you can grab the information quickly, and keep it updated regularly. Have fun gathering all your info!
If you are looking for more, I have many other great ideas and printables on my Emergency Preparedness Pinterest Board.

Great post! I wanted to let you know that I nominated you for the Blogger Recognition Award. Here’s a link to the post nominating you and the instructions for nominating others. You deserve it!
Thank you!
Im sorry if it is a true emergency not one is going to have time to grab all that stuff nor is most of it something you would need. Why would you need your marriage license? Family photos? Bank statements and tax info?? Really if say we are invaded by China or Russian or maybe a being bombed, I rather grab my family and get the hell out of dodge then worry about my taxes. More than likely that is not going to matter in real life situation.
I totally agree! That’s why this binder is made to have everything put together and in the binder already. So you can literally grab the binder and go with all your most important documents already gathered!
Jenna, the binder is put together in advance of an emergency so all you do while grabbing your family is grab the 1 binder. It’s a very good idea, if you ever have a wild fire or other natural
disaster and need to quickly leave this is awesome to have. Been there done that. Good to be prepared.
I’ve never experienced any type of natural disaster, so I totally appreciate your comment! Thank you for letting me know that this is an effective system! Right now the theory of it brings me peace of mind!
Thanks so much for this printout. I’m finally getting around to Emergency Preparedness and your blog has been incredibly helpful.
I am SO glad! Good luck assembling your backpacks!
Having had to evacuate for hurricanes before, I can tell you this is an excellent idea. It takes time to gather the important paperwork that you must take with you to make sure it isn’t destroyed. This is a great way to have it all together, save precious time, and avoid forgetting something important. Thank you!
Thank you so much for commenting. I have never actually had to evacuate. We got close last year, so I went through and updated our video inventory of our house, but that is as close as we have gotten. I love hearing from people that this preparation actually works. It gives ME peace of mind!
The only thing I would add to this binder is of course medication list, doc name and number, pharmacy name, and number.
Advance directives, like a Living will, DNR. Everyone needs a Living Will.
Those are GREAT ideas! I will work on updating that!
Thankfully I never had to evacuate but have been thru numerous hurricanes as a single parent. Many of them followed by two weeks without power. The first few days we were always pretty much on our own.
I was never as organized as you but now I am a Senior with pets I may need to evacuate with.
I truly appreciate and am following your plan.
Thank You
Being without power as a single parent would be tough! You’re a trooper! I’m glad this information could help!
B. humans have done a stellar job of complicating everything and this GIFT is here to save your A – – !
All I can say to this angel of woman who handed this to us on a silver platter is:
IGNORE low vibration humans and stay focused on being a super hero.
Thank you. I was recently evacuated due to one of the CA wild fires. Unfortunately, we lost everything, however because I had take the time to get ready, I left with everything I needed. I would suggest 5 day prep, rather than 72 hr.
Oh my goodness! I can’t even imagine! I’m so glad that you were able to get everything you needed!
When I was 16,the dam in our small town was about to burst,I was all ready packed when the firemen and police department told us to leave,because I was going to spend the night with my friend,so after that I have always keep a few bags packed,just in case.
Wow! Being prepared sure brings peace of mind, doesn’t it?
Even if I am not the mother or a parent but as the eldest of the family, we are also in need to know this, because our parents will get old in time and they couldn’t prepare enough for this so thank you so much for sharing your idea and it helps for everyone. God bless you.
That is so true! Everyone in the home should know the plan just in case others are injured and cannot help!