How to Cook the Perfect Steak

Are you craving a mouthwateringly delicious steak, but don't have it in the budget? Through taste, research, and experiment, you can replicate that perfect steak at home!

Are you craving a mouthwateringly delicious steak, but don’t have it in the budget? Through taste, research, and experiment, you can replicate that perfect steak at home!

I love going out to eat at restaurants. Having someone else cook and clean up for me, trying new foods, I love it all. Right up until I get the bill. There are so many times that I have enjoyed a delicious meal at a restaurant and left thinking “I have got to figure out how to make that recipe at home!”

Are you craving a mouthwateringly delicious steak, but don't have it in the budget? Through taste, research, and experiment, you can replicate that perfect steak at home!

Are you craving a mouthwateringly delicious steak, but don't have it in the budget? Through taste, research, and experiment, you can replicate that perfect steak at home!

After trying time and time again, I feel like I have finally figured out how to make the perfect steak! Even if steak is not your thing, these principles can be applied to learning to cook any meal that you love!


Have you ever had a mouthwateringly delicious steak? Through taste, research, and experiment, you can replicate that perfect steak at home.

Find out what restaurants around you have great steaks. Or, if you have a friend that is famous for their steak, invite yourself over! I was never much of a steak fan, but my husband really enjoys a good steak. I would always try a bite or two of his, but was never super impressed. Then, one night I had a steak that I knew needed to be replicated. Find what a perfect steak should taste like, then set out to copy it for yourself.


Don’t be afraid to really study up on how to cook something. I have watched numerous tutorials, read cookbooks, and talked to others to find out the secret to the perfect steak. This video is the one that made all the difference for me:

I like how this video points out everything from how the meat should sound, to knowing how done the steak is. Watching someone cook is much more helpful to me than reading a tutorial on a blog or other website. I watched and tried many different videos, and this produced the best results for me. The key I found was loads of butter (we’re talking nearly an entire stick) and heaps of garlic.


Have you ever had a mouthwateringly delicious steak? Through taste, research, and experiment, you can replicate that perfect steak at home.

One of my new favorite things to do is check out the different cuts of meat that are on sale. Find out when your grocery store marks down their meat at clearance prices!Even though steak can be pricey, it’s WAY cheaper than what you would pay at a restaurant!

For example, I had never tried the Flat Iron Steak before. The butcher explained that because it is marbled it give a really nice flavor. Sure, I’ll try that. For just over $8 my husband and I both ate steaks tonight that were AMAZING! My husband said this was the best steak I have made yet. Yes!

So, get out there and try to cook something new! Make sure you have motivation. Whether it is your favorite dish, or the favorite of a loved one, let that keep you going. Don’t expect it to be perfect the first time either.

We had some steaks that were so thick and undercooked they almost started mooing when we cut into them. Other times, they were a little more done that we had hoped for…But once you get it right, you’ll be so excited you might just want to tell the world!

What’s a recipe that you have perfected?

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