
Building a strong, satisfying marriage that endures the ups and downs of life is hard work. These 5 principles will improve your marriage relationship.

Building a strong, satisfying marriage that endures the ups and downs of life is hard work. These 5 principles will improve your marriage relationship.

It seems like right now more than ever, the world needs strong marriages. Marriages that endure beyond the ups and downs of life. I love the talk Marriage: Watch and Learn and the five principles it discusses to build strong, satisfying marriages.

The Best Marriage Partners Regard their Marriages as Priceless

Building a strong, satisfying marriage that endures the ups and downs of life is hard work. These 5 principles will improve your marriage relationship.

Hanging out with friends is great, but you know your spouse is a keeper when you would rather spend time with them. Sometimes it can feel that the role of a mother overshadows some of the love for your spouse. Once the kids are grown and gone it will be just the two of you.

I am reminded of the need to keep my marriage in the forefront of my mind. Remember why you fell in love, what brought you together in the first place. Remember the goals and dreams that you set and made together.

“They know that no other relationship of any kind can bring as much joy, generate as much good, or produce as much personal refinement.”

Faith is the Foundation of Happy Marriages

Building a strong, satisfying marriage that endures the ups and downs of life is hard work. These 5 principles will improve your marriage relationship.

How is faith incorporated in your relationship? Faith in Jesus Christ is one of the main things that brought my husband and I together. Realizing that we both have a desire to please God helps keep us in line and accountable to Him. Family traditions including church attendance, scripture study, Family Home Evening, paying tithing, etc. were all things that we were able to incorporate without compromise.

“Strengthening faith strengthens marriage…Keeping the commandments is fundamental to establishing strong eternal marriages.”

Humility Builds Happy Marriages

Building a strong, satisfying marriage that endures the ups and downs of life is hard work. These 5 principles will improve your marriage relationship.

Each of us has the ability to point out the faults of others, and yet each person is keenly aware of their own faults. Usually these faults are ones that others can’t even see as clearly as you can. When we allow change and growth for the better in ourself and our spouse, we allow the past stay in the past. When we continually seek to help and serve our spouse, focusing on their strengths, our marriage will grow stronger and stronger.

“Spouses who regularly conduct honest self-examination and promptly take needed steps to repent and improve experience a healing balm in their marriages.”

Building a strong, satisfying marriage that endures the ups and downs of life is hard work. These 5 principles will improve your marriage relationship.

Terrific Marriages are Completely Respectful, Transparent, and Loyal

Building a strong, satisfying marriage that endures the ups and downs of life is hard work. These 5 principles will improve your marriage relationship.

Husbands and wives should work together side by side, as equal partners in all aspects of the marriage relationship. This will look different depending on life circumstances. My husband is very busy right now with various things, so his contribution to dinner hour, bedtime routines, and other household responsibilities looks very different than it did 2 years ago. Spouses need to be understanding to changes in life and adapt while still supporting and helping one another as much as possible.

“Where there is respect, there is also transparency…Loyalty is a form of respect. Prophets teach that successful marriage partners are “fiercely loyal” to each other.”

This is something that I appreciate so much. My husband and I are open with our interactions with others. We have chosen to safeguard ourselves with things like joint social media accounts and sharing  passwords to all other online accounts and devices. We also protect each other by not gossiping about or saying things that would harm each other’s character, even among close friends.

Successful Couples Love Each Other with Complete Devotion

Building a strong, satisfying marriage that endures the ups and downs of life is hard work. These 5 principles will improve your marriage relationship.

We can say the words “I love you” as we come and go, but that is totally different than showing that person love. Learning how we receive and communicate love can help us reach out in a way that will be meaningful to our spouse. Be intentional about loving your spouse. Life gets busy, but we can’t let it get in the way of our most important relationship!

“The word cleave means to be completely devoted and faithful to someone. Married couples cleave to God and one another by serving and loving each other and by keeping covenants in complete fidelity to one another and to God.”

I loved these keys principles of treasuring your marriage and having faith, repentance, respect and love to strengthen it over time.

My favorite quote from this talk is:

Building a strong, satisfying marriage that endures the ups and downs of life is hard work. These 5 principles will improve your marriage relationship.

To hear the entire talk, you can watch it here:


Building a strong, satisfying marriage that endures the ups and downs of life is hard work. These 5 principles will improve your marriage relationship.

What do you do to strengthen your marriage?

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