Looking for activities to keep your kids busy this summer? Follow along with our art and science projects and other summer fun activities for kids.
Many of the ideas that we are using to do our summer fun activities come from great ideas I found online. I have linked to all of the websites. Please visit those websites to check out more fabulous ideas!
Summer Schedule Week 3
Supplies needed for the week:
Monday: a book about Picasso
Tuesday: paper, markers, scissors
Wednesday: soccer and volley balls
Thursday: Half and half, sugar, vanilla, gallon and quart ziploc bags, ice, rock salt
Friday: paper, glue, scissors
On the Move MONDAY
Visit the Library. Check out Pablo Picasso for our craft tomorrow: painting like Picasso. Explore a new park
Read Pablo Picasso and make a cubist art creation. Idea from this website.
Play soccer and volleyball at a park.
DIY ice cream. We got the idea from this website.
What you need:
- Half and Half (we used a little whipping cream too because we wanted it extra creamy)
- Sugar
- Vanilla
- gallon Ziploc baggies
- quart Ziploc baggies
- Ice
- Rock salt
For each serving you need: 1 cup of half and half, 2 Tbsp. sugar, and 1/2 tsp. vanilla. Dump it into a quart bag and zip tight. Fill a gallon Ziploc bag a little less than half way up with ice and then add 1/2 cup rock salt and the quart baggie with the ice cream ingredients. Then shake it!
Making monster corner bookmarks from this website.
What are you doing this week for summer fun?
Check out Week 1 here!
Check out Week 2 here!