Do you get tired of getting asked “what’s for dinner”? Check out this great series on how to build and implement a rotating menu that works for your family!
I loved doing the Family History Series so much that I want to do another series. I look forward to writing on the same topic on a regular basis, and hope that you as a reader look forward to what comes next in the series as well.
So, are you ready for the next thing that I am fairly passionate about? Drumroll please….
Food and Menu Planning!
If there is any one question in the entire English language that I detest more than any other it would be: “Mom, what’s for dinner?” I have designed a system that has been working for a couple of years for us now. This system ensures that I always have the food on hand at any given time for 28 different meals.
In this series, I will show you:
- How to Create the Rotating Menu with theme nights
- How to Compile the Actual Menu in an affordable way
- What our Monthly Rotating Menu consists of
- How I created our shopping lists to only have to go shopping twice a month
- How to stockpile food so that you have a 6 month supply of all ingredients for your menu
Does that sound awesome to you? I’m super excited to share this and here’s why.
There have been tons of disasters happening all around the world. I have talked about 72 Hour Kit food here. Even if you never experience a natural disaster, the potential for other disasters are always there. Job loss, health problems, needing to help friends or family. If we experienced one of these other types of life set backs, I would definitely NOT want to be eating emergency food. If we had a family crisis, I would want to be able to keep as many things normal as possible. Having our regular food and not worrying about where the next meal would come from would be high on my priority list.
This Rotating Menu will help you know what meals you can easily make. It also gives you the ability to stock up on foods that your family regularly eats.
Saving Money
Speaking of stocking up, the rotating menu helps you plan the exact ingredients you need to get by. Because I have meals planned out, it has been years since I have paid full price for any of my groceries. I buy things only when they are on sale or in season for our produce. This is without coupons, because I just am not that big into couponing. By stocking up at case lot sales or other big sales, I save money just by not going to the store as often too.
Another way I save money is by utilizing our freezer space. Many of the meals on our menu can be doubled and turned into a freezer meal. This way we save money on going out to eat or buy pre-packaged convenience freezer meals.
How It Works
Over the next few weeks I will show you exactly how all of this works. Is it perfect? Of course not, but it has the potential to make your life so much easier. Is this set in stone? Nope! We revisit the menu every few months. There are some meals that I find just don’t work as well for our family as others. When that happens, we just swap those few meals out and replace them with better meals. Do I still with this 100% of the time? That would be a no as well. The thing that this menu provides me with is a safety net. On weeks that I know are going to be crazy busy, we stick to the menu. On days when I want things a little more relaxed, pretty much anything with a salad to make me happy, and a tortilla to make the kids happy is what we eat.
I will give you the frame work and the know-how to build your own menu. If you want to copy mine menu item by menu item, go for it! Get excited! This all starts next Friday!