This year we decided that in order to keep bedrooms looking fairly tidy, the first Saturday of each month is Deep Clean Bedroom Saturday. (please insert child groans).
I found that when I asked my kids to clean their rooms, they looked at me in a semi-confused manner. “Tidy Room” is part of their daily routine, but sometimes the ‘tidy’ aspect became a ‘cram and stuff’ routine. By doing a more regular deep clean, we have found the room clutter to be much more manageable.
I rotate each month who I will work alongside to deep clean their room. (Boys one month, girls the next). This helps me to both train and encourage the kids on the tasks that need to be done. The kids have also been able to see that this is really a job that can be done in 20-30 minutes if they stay on task.
My kids thrive on charts. I find it helpful to create a clear expectation of how the room should be deep cleaned. The kids know exactly what is expected of them, and know that they will need to finish the job if each point is not checked off on the list. Get the free printable here!
Clean Bedroom Checklist for Kids:

I simply print the list out and put it in a sheet protector. It hangs on the back of their bedroom door so it is out of the way, but easy to find on “Deep Clean Bedroom Saturday”. The kids are able to write their name and check off each thing on their personal list.
What if one kid cleans their room but the other one doesn’t?
If one kid gets their list completed before the other, they are not held back as long as it is checked off by Mom or Dad. I totally agree with working as a team, but don’t see the need to encourage one child to be lazy while the other one hurries and cleans everything so they can enjoy the rest of the day.
We have loved how this has changed the cleanliness of the kids’ rooms. It has also created a sense of ownership and more clear expectations of what a clean room should look like. I hope this simple printable helps you as much as it has helped us!
How do your kids clean their rooms?
This is genius! Even my sloppy and disgusting 13 year old would benefit from this! Thank!
Glad it can work for all ages!
I love your ideas! This might actually help my son!
I hope it helps too! Good luck!
I love this idea. Right now my little girl isn’t quite 2 years old, but I firmly believe in raising children with responsibilities and taking care of their belongings. Great tips!
I couldn’t agree more. Developing good habits at a young age helps so much as they get older.