Looking for an inexpensive, candy-free Valentine that is sure to be a winner? Look no further! Get your no candy valentine printable for free!
For Halloween last year we tried a no-candy alternative for trick-or-treaters. Since Valentine’s Day seems to be the Halloween of February, we thought we would make this easy no candy Valentine printable for the kids to make for their school parties!
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No Candy Valentine Printable
Valentine’s Day is sort of a weird tradition in schools. You basically go reverse trick or treating with generic pieces of perforated paper that cost a fortune. The kids are even asked not to specifically address the valentines to classmates. And really, my kids hardly ever read the piece of paper. All they want is the candy (or the tattoos). So, this is my first attempt at a no-candy and no store bought valentine’s cards solution.

We ran a couple of ideas past the kids. I was thinking along the lines of “Valentine, we just make ‘cents'” but my kids thought that was lame. They actually came up with the idea of doing the “XOXO” and putting pennies for the “O’s”. I LOVE the idea! Cute, clever, creative, and my favorite: simple!
Print out the free printable!
Simply print off as many valentines as you need,

Use craft glue dots to stick the pennies on,
And send those happy kids off for a sugar high! Check out another great idea for an easy DIY valentine!

Perfect Valentine for those with special dietary needs! Great idea!
Thank you!